Required Columns introduces five Automation templates, along with underlying actions that you can use to compose your own automations.
Below are the template descriptions along with example workflows. The examples use group names and status values that we’ve invented, but of course you can select your own.
Note that you first need to configure the board to tell the app which columns are ‘required’ - you can do this by adding the ‘Set Required Columns’ view to the board.
The automations will then consider an item to be completed (i.e. no data is missing) once all your nominated required columns have a value within them.
Number | Template Description | Example Workflow |
1 | When status changes to something revert to its previous value if required fields are missing | User enters all data for the new item. Then changes the 'status' column to 'In Progress'. If all your required columns have values, nothing happens - the new status is accepted. If any required columns are missing data, the status is reverted - the new item is rejected and the user receives a notifcation explaining what is missing. |
2 | When an item is moved to group validate and revert to previous group if incomplete | User enters all data for the new item. Then drags it down to the 'Working On It' group. If all your required columns have values, nothing happens - the new item is accepted in the group. If any required columns are missing data, the item reverts to its previous group - the new item is rejected and the user receives a notifcation explaining what is missing. |
3 | When status changes to something validate and move to Group (or revert status if incomplete) | User enters all data for the new item. Then changes the 'status' column to 'In Progress'. If all your required columns have values, the item is automatically moved to the 'Working On It' group - the new item is accepted. If any required columns are missing data, the status is reverted - the new item is rejected and the user receives a notifcation explaining what is missing. |
4 | When any column changes validate item and update the Validation Status column | User enters all data for the new item. Once all your required columns have values, your nominated 'Validation Status' column changes to 'Yes'. |
5 | When any column changes validate item and move to group Destination Group if all required columns are set | User enters all data for the new item. Once all your required columns have values, the item moves automatically to the 'Working On It' group. |
These automation templates should get you started building your own workflows. If you’re not sure how to use them, see our detailed walkthrough of one complete example - from setup through to running the automation - in our instructions.
We are always really interested to hear how you’re using the app to implement your workflows, and to help you set up efficient workflows in the first place. Please contact us to start the conversation.